Paper Star DIY Kit

9,60  inkl. MwSt

Laserrcut Colored Cardboard

Dimension approximately 15cm x 15 cm x 15cm

Artikelnummer: n. a. Kategorie:


Laserrcut Colored Cardboard

Dimension approximately 15cm x 15 cm x 15cm

In geometry, the small stellated dodecahedron is a Kepler-Poinsot polyhedron, named by Arthur Cayley, and with Schläfli symbol {​52,5}.. It is one of four nonconvexregular polyhedra. It is composed of 12 pentagrammic faces, with five pentagrams meeting at each vertex.
It shares the same vertex arrangement as the convex regular icosahedron. It also shares the same edge arrangement with the great icosahedron, with which it forms a degenerate uniform compound figure.
It is the second of four stellations of the dodecahedron (including the original dodecahedron itself).
The small stellated dodecahedron can be constructed analogously to the pentagram, its two-dimensional analogue, via the extension of the edges (1-faces) of the core polytope until a point is reached where they intersect.